Based on the science of nanoscale electron-photon interactions, large areas of technologies have been developed, which include sensing, devices, information processing, and biotechnology. In order to achieve even more vigorous progress in the ever widening and developing field of nanoscale electron-photon science and technology, strategic frameworks that are more systematically organized than those that have existed until now have become important. Global R&D competition and collaboration are also one aspect of this. While considering the obligations and appeal of a university, such as the quest for academic freedom, intellectual curiosity, and a sense of wonder, as well as to challenge oneself in a radial, untapped frontier, not to mention education and fostering of human resources, the international Center for Nano Electron and Photon Technology (InCEPT) is engages in activities aimed at enriching and developing the science and technology of nanoscale electron-photon interactions even further.
Besides setting up a more systematic framework that will allow high-level academic study in nanoscale electron-photon interactions, another important purpose of the center is to promote industry-academia collaboration and outreach activities and to develop the field internationally. Through close cooperation among the departments involved, such as the School of Engineering, the Institute of Engineering Innovations and so forth, it is my hope that we will be able to develop a more profoundly meaningful style of research.I would like to ask for your continued support and cooperation.
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