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Sawada Laboratory2022.Jul.31

Sawada Lab

Engineering for observation, prediction and control of social spaces.

We are exploring new technology to observe the current state of social spaces, which includes natural phenomena such as weather and hydrology and social phenomena such as transportation and economics, predict its future, and control social infrastructures based on the prediction to protect our society from crises such as hydrometeorological disasters. We are interested in the advanced technology to simulate and observe both natural and social phenomena. By integrating those simulation and observation, we are tackling with the new methodology to design the resilient social spaces.

official HP: https://sites.google.com/view/sawadaresearchgroup/english?authuser=0



  • profimg-sawada-lab2

    Associate Professor

    Yohei SAWADA

    Sawada Lab

    Hydrometeorological disaster prediction, model-data integration

  • profimg-sawada-lab-le-duc

    Assistant Professor

    Le Duc

    Sawada Lab

    Meteorology, data assimilation, numerical prediction